Raven Guard Sneak Into Horus Heresy: Legions

The first Istvaan V event on Horus Heresy: Legion has ended, and so a new Legion is introduced. Raven Guards are now here to wreck everyone’s faces. As it was when Salamanders made their first appearance, players can pay Real Actual Money for a pre-built deck, while Raven Guard crate (3 RG cards, 2 cards you probably already have) has replaced the Sally crate. But what does this shadowy Legion do?

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When Forge World Prices Make Games Workshop Look Sane

Today, Forge World finally made it possible for buyers to pay in whatever local currency they have. The caveat is that the new prices were set at a fixed conversion rate as decided by Forge World. This has lead to price increases: about 10-20% for Europeans, ~20% for Americans and around 30-40% for the Australians (which were already getting fleeced).

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What Do Salamanders Do In Horus Heresy Legions?

Horus Heresy Legions, the game about, well, Horus Heresy spent a lot of time getting  to the actual heresy. The whole closed beta was dedicated to the actions on Istvaan III and the surrounding events. We have now moved to Istvaan V, which means that loyalist legions are being introduced. First were the Iron Hands – and today, we have the Salamanders!

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Sorrgol Clan – Probably The Best Deck In Legions

The event that introduced Iron Hands to Horus Heresy: Legions features my favorite deck so far. OK, maybe not the best deck in the entire game – who cares about shit like that – but it’s the best deck as far as the current event goes. Sorrgol Clan is the best Iron Hands sealed deck!

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The Mystery Of The Plasma Guard Kill Team

Back in the olden days of Warhammer 40,000 4th 3rd* edition, Kill Team was born. It was a scenario driven way to play. One player built a Kill Team of individually acting soldiers/miniatures drawn from a Troops-choice unit. The other would have a roster of regular goons and leader – they were the opposition. The name of the game was cinematic action, combined with a heavily-customized squad of Your Dudes. Over the years, Games Workshop transformed KT into the closest thing to an entry level product they have.  And for some reason, the newest Kill Team release allows you to bring 8 plasma gun toting Guardsmen into the fray.

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Transhuman Physiology: Only Thing That GW Did To Make Space Marines Be More Like Space Marines

The newest edition of 40K Kill Team – the newbie-friendly entry level format that is about controlling individual miniatures in tight special operation environments rather than grog infested main game of pushing overly large armies on far too small tables – is almost out. And the biggest thing about isn’t Games Workshop finally giving a shit about Kill Team or them asking Heralds of Ruin to change their title. No, it’s the fact that GW actually did something to make Space Marines closer to super human warriors that they are in the fluff.

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Last Chance To Buy Legions: Should I Shit My Pants?

Forums poster TTeribble had a great quote about Forge World newsletters: “Th evolution of the Friday email has been pretty great. Excited to see what new stuff is coming -> bored to tears by continual custodes releases -> excited to see what core HH SKU is getting dumpstered this week.” Previously, I wrote about the implications of Elysians going on Last Chance to Buy. Now, the company that put Solar Auxilia stuff on LCtB on the same day as it announced a new Solar Auxilia transport has struck again. Legion upgrade kits are, with zero fanfare or explanations, going on Last Chance to Buy.

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Last Chance to Buy WTF

Last Chance To Buy is Game Workshop’s way to boost sales of stuff nobody is buying say that this shit is being discontinued. Forge World was largely immune from that, gladly selling stuff that’s hella obscure. But a few weeks ago, the crimson hourglass of Last Chance branded Forge World paints and a huge part of their etched brass range. Thousand Son players were put on suicide watch over Angron Red, some people grumbled over brass, but that was it. Today, Forge World quitly announced Elysian Drop Troops to get Last Chance’d. Even quieter, some of the Solar Auxilia range is being discontinued on the same day when a new troop transport goes on pre-order.

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Forge World Catalogue 2018 surprises

I bought the Burning of Prospero box back when it was released and finished painting a 1000 point Loyalist Death Guard army ready last June. There was a small issue: no opponents to play with! But I have a friend who collected Forge World Custodians. With the hopes of playing the game some day, I bought the Age of Darkness rulebook when it came out. With it came the Forge World Catalogue 2018. It held some surprises.

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Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus Announcement

Games Workshop has just announced Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus, which seems to be an Adeptus Mechanicus focused XCOM-like game. Bulwark Studios isn’t a total nobody – they have made a game and a DLC, according to Steam, and both of them are on the “mostly positive” side of things. All in all, I’d like to see more gameplay to make a solid opinion about it.

Magos Dominus Reditus still seems like a very cheeky name, though.