Transhuman Physiology: Only Thing That GW Did To Make Space Marines Be More Like Space Marines

The newest edition of 40K Kill Team – the newbie-friendly entry level format that is about controlling individual miniatures in tight special operation environments rather than grog infested main game of pushing overly large armies on far too small tables – is almost out. And the biggest thing about isn’t Games Workshop finally giving a shit about Kill Team or them asking Heralds of Ruin to change their title. No, it’s the fact that GW actually did something to make Space Marines closer to super human warriors that they are in the fluff.

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Repulse the Primaris Repulsor with a Custom Turret

Last year, I bough Repulsor, the aptly named flying Primaris Landraider mostly to build it the way I want it, to make it less ugly. This mostly involved totally replacing the God-awful turret with something else. And I mostly succeeded! I did all the painting in one month, as per rules of Something Awful Oath thread. I was aiming to hit all of the monthly challenges it presents, so details are to follow. It took that many pictures simply because I could get more points that way for Show Your Work challenge. Continue reading “Repulse the Primaris Repulsor with a Custom Turret”