Titans March In Horus Heresy: Legions

As a person who steadfastly refuses to engage with social media, I was surprised by the new event on Horus Heresy: Legions. Usually, it’s just regular card games (not on motorcycles). But in Cataclysm, we get to play with Titans in a way we haven’t played before.

Unless you’re into Adeptus Titanicus, that is!

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What Do Salamanders Do In Horus Heresy Legions?

Horus Heresy Legions, the game about, well, Horus Heresy spent a lot of time getting  to the actual heresy. The whole closed beta was dedicated to the actions on Istvaan III and the surrounding events. We have now moved to Istvaan V, which means that loyalist legions are being introduced. First were the Iron Hands – and today, we have the Salamanders!

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Operation Desert Storm Trading Cards Were A Thing

Back when the USA used to launch surgical strikes against countries that did something wrong instead of just getting into unwinnable grind of Operation Bomb Useless Dirt, they had trading cards for Operation Desert Storm. Ah, the days when high-tech war meant laser guided bombs going into the chimney of an Iraqi defense ministry instead of using drones to defeat Christendom’s greatest enemy: Afghani weddings. A Something Awful goon found a trove of Desert Storm cards and you can follow his adventures in this thread.

Sorrgol Clan – Probably The Best Deck In Legions

The event that introduced Iron Hands to Horus Heresy: Legions features my favorite deck so far. OK, maybe not the best deck in the entire game – who cares about shit like that – but it’s the best deck as far as the current event goes. Sorrgol Clan is the best Iron Hands sealed deck!

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