Forge World, Make Horus Heresy Shadespire

Look, we all know that Shadespire is going to be the real name for Warhammer Underworlds for at least a few years. You know what else is unlikely to change? Forge World’s unwillingness to engage with these smaller Games Workshop projects. Which is a shame, since Horus Heresy Shadespire would be entirely boss.

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What Do Salamanders Do In Horus Heresy Legions?

Horus Heresy Legions, the game about, well, Horus Heresy spent a lot of time gettingĀ  to the actual heresy. The whole closed beta was dedicated to the actions on Istvaan III and the surrounding events. We have now moved to Istvaan V, which means that loyalist legions are being introduced. First were the Iron Hands – and today, we have the Salamanders!

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