Friday Update In Horus Heresy Legions? What’s New?

Having moved past the Istvaan III phases in beta, Horus Heresy Legions is now fully immersed in the events of Dropsite Massacre. The new Legions have already been introduced. Now, it’s time to grind them to pulp – at least before the Traitors are added into the game. We can expect at least of pair events to be kinda meh as far as introduction of new stuff goes. However, they managed to sneak in some stuff today!

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The Horus Heresy: Legions Review

I’m a miniature man through-and-through. Card games abstract too much; I’m here to experience a story of fighting men and women doing heroic stuff. With cards, it’s just a game, unless you go to great lengths to read a story in what’s happening on the table. Then why am I playing The Horus Heresy: Legions? Continue reading “The Horus Heresy: Legions Review”