World War 3 stress test | Tank supremacy in Warsaw

It was three years ago that I last (and first) looked at World War 3, probably the worst-named contender Battlefield series ever had. I think it may have died once or twice in the interim. However,  last weekend’s stress test gave public (and me) the chance to take it out for a spin again.

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Insurgency: Sandstorm vs. World War 3 | Steam Free Weekend Experience

I’m very bad at FPS games, but that doesn’t stop me from liking them! That’s why I was overjoyed somewhat excited to learn that Insurgency: Sandstorm and World War 3 were free to try on Steam on last weekend. So how did it go for me? Continue reading “Insurgency: Sandstorm vs. World War 3 | Steam Free Weekend Experience”

Armored Brigade Review | Warm Up That Cold War

Grog games have a few traits that we will never purge from the genre. More often than not, they look ugly. They also sport interfaces that weren’t designed by humans for humans. Even hoping for a decent tutorial is something that the grog industry thinks is unrealistic. However. Armored Brigade manages to dodge many of those bullets.

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