The Drowned Earth review (6)

The Drowned Earth, a TTS screenshot: two standees stand in the water next to a ruin of a building and an island with a red box. The closer standee is a minigun-armed Gorilla version of Vasquez from Aliens.
Unfortunately, neither army building nor scenario design are any more inspired than that. When constructing your team, you build it to the points limit without duplicating named characters. If there's a slight difference of points left, you can spend it on special event cards to be used once per game. As for scenarios, they're largely OK, but nothing more inspired that Infinity's ubiquitous "push button."

The Drowned Earth, a TTS screenshot: two standees stand in the water next to a ruin of a building and an island with a red box. The closer standee is a minigun-armed Gorilla version of Vasquez from Aliens.

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